Monthly Archives: May 2012
“Who Will Help Recycle this Bag?”
Written by: Linda Maendel on Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

In recent years gigantic grain bags have become a common sight on the prairies. Like giant white sausages, stretched out across fields, these bags are quick to set up when farmers run out of grain storage space. However, once the ‘grain sausages’ are emptied there are tons of plastic begging to be recycled.
Green Acres Hutterite Colony, near Bassano, Alberta answered this call. They operate a large scale recycling business, Crowfoot Plastics, the first of its kind in Alberta. I learned about ....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
Pentecost & Communal Living
Written by: Louie Vetter on Monday, May 28th, 2012
The Pentecostal holidays are some of the most important days that Hutterites celebrate because those days commemorate the descent of the the Holy Spirit on Christ’s Apostles, the beginning of the early Church and the arrival of the first apostolic communities. Hutterites follow this example and share material goods in common.
After Jesus was crucified and then rose from the dead, he spent 40 days on earth showing himself to be alive to many and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
Then before Jesus ascended into heaven....
After Jesus was crucified and then rose from the dead, he spent 40 days on earth showing himself to be alive to many and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
Then before Jesus ascended into heaven....
Published in: Louie Vetter's Blog
Prayer Request for Gene Stahl
Written by: Louie Vetter on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
We are asking for your prayers for Gene Stahl who had a very serious accident, and for his wife Evelyn and his family. Gene is the father of seven children: daughters Crystal, Carmen, Geena and Taya; and sons Travis, Cody, and Anthony. The manager of the beef operation at Deerfield Colony, near Lewistown, Montana; he is 38 years old; devout Christian, family man, and hard worker.
The colony runs 900+ range cows on Sage Creek, about 15 miles from the home place. Gene, an accomplished horseman, who has been riding since the age of three, was m....
The colony runs 900+ range cows on Sage Creek, about 15 miles from the home place. Gene, an accomplished horseman, who has been riding since the age of three, was m....
Published in: Louie Vetter's Blog
There Went Out A Sower to Sow
Written by: Louie Vetter on Friday, May 18th, 2012

The doldrums of winter are over, the grass is greening, the trees are budding and it's time for sowing. The early morning air is filled with the chirping and songs of the newly arrived birds of summer. The April and May showers have replaced the cold dry air of winter with the fresh earthy smells of spring. Newness and excitement fills the air and soul alike.
The equipment operators, restless after a winter full of shop and barn work are bursting with energy and anxious to start the annual sowing season. The....
Published in: Louie Vetter's Blog
‘God Keep our Land Glorious and Free’
Written by: Linda Maendel on Sunday, May 13th, 2012

I got a glimpse of this recently, when we celebrated ‘Sharing Our World’ in Portage La Prair....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog