Message to the Young People from Eddie Vetter
Written by: The Bridge on Monday, April 24th, 2006

Thanks for the encouraging comments that you are posting for us, here in this far away part of the world. We need your prayers, and we need to hear and know that despite the bleak picture you hear about, you are standing behind us. Yes, it is a daily struggle to keep Palmgrove going with the basic necessities like food, drinking water, toilets that flush and showers that run etc. One must however realize, that this is a third world country, and half of our world lives with this as standard. Therefore as Christ....
Published in: The Bridge's Blog
For The Love Of Flowers!
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

I started writing this post to give everybody an idea of....
Published in: The Bridge's Blog
Greetings from Paul and Clara!
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

Published in: The Bridge's Blog
Update on Palmgrove
Written by: The Bridge on Saturday, April 15th, 2006

The brothers and sisters here in Palmgrove are very similar to what we have back in North America. Some are genuine, and are giving their best to keep this place going, but there are also others, who's motives seem questionable. As I....
Published in: The Bridge's Blog
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, April 12th, 2006
I know you're all waiting to hear what in the world is going on out here. We are slowly finding answers to the many questions that we have; however, it's going to take a bit more time. We are still in the early decision making stage so I don't really know what to report. Talitha and I are trying to get used to everything. Things are so different here, there is hardly anything that reminds us of home. Internet excess is not readily available, so updating this space is going to take some time. I'll get a longer post in late this week, or maybe ea....
Published in: The Bridge's Blog