Category Archives: Easter
Africa Again!
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, April 4th, 2018
Greetings to everybody back home, from the warm and welcoming Land of Africa!
Paul Vetter, Clara Basel, Chris and myself have been in Palmgrove community for over a week now. It was such a joy to see familiar faces again, after 10 years! The last time I was here was in 2008. Now o....

Published in: The Bridge's Blog
“I Baptize You in the Name of the Father…”
Written by: Linda Maendel on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Since God in His grace has been merciful to you and through the death of Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, and the intercession of the Church has forgiven and remitted your sins. May He fill you with the powers from on High and write your name in the Book of Eternal Life. May He keep you as a true Brother/Sister in the Church to serve Jesus until the end, Amen.
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
Why did Jesus have to Die
Written by: Louie Vetter on Sunday, April 22nd, 2012
The simplest answer to this question is also the best one. To pay for our sins.
But, why do our sins need to be paid for? Do they carry such far-reaching consequences?
In society there are laws. There have to be, to protect the innocent and to ensure that everything runs smoothly, orderly, and efficiently. And if those laws are broken then there are consequences and a price has to be paid. Sometimes monetarily, sometimes with community work, sometimes with jail time and sometimes with life itself -- as in the death penalty.
In God's fa....
But, why do our sins need to be paid for? Do they carry such far-reaching consequences?
In society there are laws. There have to be, to protect the innocent and to ensure that everything runs smoothly, orderly, and efficiently. And if those laws are broken then there are consequences and a price has to be paid. Sometimes monetarily, sometimes with community work, sometimes with jail time and sometimes with life itself -- as in the death penalty.
In God's fa....
Published in: Louie Vetter's Blog
Historical Reflection
Written by: Linda Maendel on Friday, April 6th, 2012

My mind wandered to Europe and some dismal chapters of my own Hutterite history involving a similar decision, but with a drastically different outcome. What i....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog