Hof Scenes
Photo by: Kelly Hofer
Traditionally, Hutterites lived in apartments containing numerous dwellings; in present times duplexes are the norm.
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Housing Photo by: Kelly Hofer Traditionally, Hutterites lived in apartments containing numerous dwellings; in present times duplexes are the norm.
Landscaping Driveway Photo by: Lisa Waldner Both young and old lend a hand when help is needed.
Taking our Dolls for a Stroll Photo by: Lisa Waldner Life as a Hutterite child means you'll never be lonely, as there's always someone around to play with.
Road to Grandma's house Photo by: Lisa Waldner Cement sidewalks connect duplex houses with central communal buildings in this view of the dwelling area. Because nature is viewed as God's gift, most Hutterite colonies place great value in planting trees, plants and shrubs in and around the community,
Flower Garden Photo by: Lenita Waldner Flower gardens are rewarding for both the observer and gardener: the beauty of nature is appreciated, while the therapeutic effect of gardening benefits the gardener.
Her Front Lawn Photo by: Lisa Waldner Personality and creativity, as in this young women's front yard, can be found in many aspects of community life.
Feedmill Photo by: Kelly Hofer Many Hutterite colonies grow and mix feed for their livestock.