Call for Photos to Commemorate Hutterite-Manitoba Centennial
Written by: Kenny Wollman on Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

2018 marks the centennial anniversary of permanent Hutterite settlement in Manitoba.
To commemorate and reflect on this anniversary, the Hutterian Brethren Book Centre is embarking on a centennial publication project that will showcase, in broad terms, the Hutterite experience in Manitoba. To that end, we solicit your photos or suggestions of photos thought to be essential.
By means of example, themes such as settlement, architecture, engagement with mainstream society, acculturation, innovation, key events, people, and influencers will be explored. Images that reflect the evolution of practice in areas such as dress, community events, and livelihood are also welcome. Please keep in mind that these are general guidelines, not limitations.
It is anticipated that a particular challenge for this project will be finding images that pre-date the 1980s, a time when the prohibition of cameras and photos in Hutterite communities was more strictly reinforced. Such photos are therefore at a premium.
Images may be submitted for consideration, in the highest resolution possible, to, in hard-copy by Glegnheit, or post: Kenny Wollmann, Hutterian Brethren Book Centre, Box 40, MacGregor, MB, R0H0R0. Arrangements will be made on a per-case basis regarding the scanning and return of originals in a manner that is acceptable to both parties.
Please feel free to share this notice widely.
Showing 2 comments
John Lehr said:
On: 23rd Jan, 2018 at 21:27
Hi Kenny, Enjoy your blog. I am working with two colleagues at the U of Winnipeg to put together an Atlas of Hutterites in Manitoba with historical maps, colony genealogies, colony plans and some “then and now” photographs. I’d very much like to talk with you. Give me a call at 204-256-4586 or email me. I guess your colony is group 1 and most of my contacts are group 2. Hope to hear from you.
Titus Stahl said:
On: 4th Jun, 2018 at 12:29
Greetings Kenny. We’ve been experiencing error with our email. I’m wondering about your response to my letter…