There Went Out A Sower to Sow
Written by: Louie Vetter on Friday, May 18th, 2012

It’s springtime on the colony.
The doldrums of winter are over, the grass is greening, the trees are budding and it’s time for sowing. The early morning air is filled with the chirping and songs of the newly arrived birds of summer. The April and May showers have replaced the cold dry air of winter with the fresh earthy smells of spring. Newness and excitement fills the air and soul alike.
The equipment operators, restless after a winter full of shop and barn work are bursting with energy and anxious to start the annual sowing season. The space in front of the shop has been full for some time now as the sprayers, drills, tractors, trucks and augers have been carefully serviced, checked and rechecked. The equipment is fueled up and ready for action. Everyone is waiting for the field boss to declare ”OK boys, the time is here, let’s go seeding!” Seeding starts in burst of a activity.
High clearance sprayers hit the fields first with a pre-seed burn-off to kill weeds in front of the seeders. (Gone are the days of the cultivator and shovel that manually weeded and tilled and subsequently dried out the all-important seedbed.) Zero-till is the now the order of the day. The gravel roads are busy with trucks that haul fuel, fertilizer and seed to fill the waiting drills. And it’s on!
The second busiest time of year, next to only the finale of what is started now, the harvest. From dawn to dusk these big rigs roll. Sunup and sundown, field in and field out, week in and week out, stopped only by the need to refill the massive seed carts and seemingly always empty fuel tanks. And if enough manpower is available there is a shift change to allow some rest for those long hour operators.
But come Sunday morning everything is quiet. All the rigs have shut down and all the men are at home to attend the Sunday Sermon. The fields aren’t the only things that have to be seeded, and here at Church the Word of God is planted anew.
Showing 4 comments
Tyroler Bua said:
On: 19th May, 2012 at 00:07
Louie Vetter please allow me to add the sowing story;
A great crowd was gathering and people from town after town came to him, he said; A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among wthorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded hundredfold.”
Louie Vetter said:
On: 21st May, 2012 at 16:11
Thanks Tyroler for providing the rest of the story.
It’s interesting to note how closely this parable of the sower intertwines the literal world with the spiritual.
Fred Recksiek, Bolivia, North Carolina said:
On: 24th Apr, 2017 at 16:56
Do you still accept old German bibles,etc?…I have one bible dating to 1880, one bible dating to 1910, one prayer book dating to 1906 and one Sunday school book dating to 1910. If so, please let me know where to send them.
Honyok said:
On: 29th May, 2018 at 01:37
Enjoyable and enlightening article. May God’s bountiful blessing surround the Hutterites!