April 3 ~ Touring South Tyrol
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

On Monday, we headed out to South Tyrol with Lynda Lederer as our guide. This part of the country used to belong to Austria. After World War 2 or is that World War 1, I’m not sure now, it became part of Northern Italy. The signs change from German to both Italian and German. Our mission was to visit the birthplace of Jacob Hutter, which is located close to Bruneck. Right next to his house is also a very impressive castle called Michelsburg Castle; this castle also held Hutterites that were imprisoned. The first thing you see from the far distance is the castle. We didn’t know where Hutter’s house was, so we asked a passing car. The driver showed us how to get there, and as a matter of fact, he actually lived there. Such strange luck we’ve had almost every time we stopped and asked people directions or historical importance of a place. It’s quite something to be able to see the hills and valleys where Jacob Hutter grew up, and where early Hutterites lived and worked, especially since a lot of the buildings are still here and well preserved.
After that we went eastward on our journey. We came back into Austria and as we were traveling along the Pustertal Valley, Eddy V. came up with the idea of visiting Volker Waltrodt. He is one of the two cameramen that were in our communities a few years back. They were making a short documentary about the Hutterites at the time. So we went looking for his house, after asking for directions and getting lost a few times we came to this gravel road going up the side of a mountain. There was still snow on the ground, it was raining and things looked quite slippery. We weren’t too sure if we wanted to go on or not! As we were debating whether we should take the chance of driving up or not, guess who showed up right behind us?! Volder Waltrodt himself! So we all piled into his ranger and up we went. I told him that that is about the strangest house that I’ve ever seen. He has so much stuff inside, with about 8 dogs running in and out and a whole farm yard of strange animals. Like a lot of old houses, you can walk through the house and right into the barn, so the house smells like…well…lets say, well used. The house has one of the more spectacular views in the area, especially since it’s halfway up the mountain.
After that, we drove on to visit the Kleinsasser house near the city of Spittal. This in the Kärnten region of Austria. This is where the Kleinsasser name comes from. Trudy Basel was friendly and she just couldn’t stop talking, we happened to stay for quite a time there. Kleinsasserhof is now used as a gasthouse, and it has some pretty strange and fancy decorations inside and outside.
There is still a lot to tell but it’s two in the morning already, so I’ll quit for now. Hopefully I’ll get another chance to update before leaving for Africa, but I don’t think so. Until then, report to you all later.
Showing 8 comments
L. kay said:
On: 5th Apr, 2006 at 21:54
Hi you adventurers!! It’s such an awesomely, beautiful, springy day. Enough to lift one’s spirits to the top of thankfulness land or whatever. The huge snow banks around here don’t stand a chance. They are literally dissolving before our eyes. It’s great to hear that you are safe and sound and taking in the sights, sounds, tastes, air, ect. of this totally different world. Glad you could experience the place of our origin, and be reminded of the costs involved in bringing us where we are today. Now you’re off to Nigeria! It’s hard to believe that thousands of miles are separating us, but thankfully bound together and close to one another in spirit and faith and of course those technological advantages. Today at Gebet we said a prayer for your safe arrival. Lance we are keeping your entries posted in the kitchen for those not on friendly terms with computers, but never the less interested how things are progressing. Also tell Clara Basel we appreciated hearing from her first hand via email. Greetings to you from all of us at Silverwinds. Our support and prayers are with you.
For I am with you, even unto the ends of the world…..Matthew 28
Lance said:
On: 6th Apr, 2006 at 01:35
Thank you, Ill pass on your greeting to Clara Basel. We are in Frankfort ready to board for Port Harpcourt, we should be there in 7 hours. By the end of the day we will be in a differante world. Aufwiedersehen.
leanne said:
On: 6th Apr, 2006 at 15:38
hey lance, things seem very interesting experiencing those sites that relate to our history! so i suppoes you’ll be in nigeria about now. good luck there. snow is almost all gone here, weather is warm. i think we’ll have a big flood, lots of water. stay strong
Titus said:
On: 6th Apr, 2006 at 21:39
Hi Lance. Nice to hear that your enjoying yourself. It’s nice to sit down and read your writings…I sure hope you’ll keep it up for us. We are thankful that your taking the time.
God Bless
Joseph said:
On: 6th Apr, 2006 at 21:44
Greeting Lance, guess youll be in Palmgrove by now. So interesting to follow your blog. Some of us can only dream about visiting Europe. Glustel, glustel. God Bless. Keep posting. You’ve got lots of support
Anita-sfc said:
On: 7th Apr, 2006 at 13:00
Some of us can only dream is right…thanks for taking the time to keep a journal and keeping us posted…it’s interesting to read about our history-(now that I’ve learned to like it a few years ago)especially the “Kleinsasserhouse”…stay strong on the Lord’s mission!
a sister said:
On: 8th Apr, 2006 at 13:09
Hi Lens! I am thankful u made it to Nigeria safe and sound. I think a better explanation for the strange luck u where experiencing up till now is Ps.34:7. ” Der Engel des Herrn lagert sich umher die her, so ihm fürchten und hilft ihnen aus.” Interesting page. The pic.s’ are great! They really help bring things into perspective. Looking forward to hearing from u in Nigeria.
jakie waldner said:
On: 9th Apr, 2006 at 17:49
hi Lance, this is jakie /odanah farms .checked up on your website,we are enjoying yuor effort and hope to see more of you in the future.May God Be With You and protect you on your journey. Hope you the best and everyone else.