Flight to Germany
Written by: The Bridge on Friday, March 31st, 2006

Hello everybody! Welcome to ‘The Bridge’! The intent of this blog is to try to keep people informed as to what is happening in Nigeria. I’m not sure what style this blog will develop, what I’m trying to make is something like an online journal. I want to try and capture the experience as it is, and not focus in on just one specific subject. I’ll try to include as much variety as possible, so that people will be able to relate better to the experience. If there’s anything specific that you would like, email me and I’ll see what I can come up with. You can leave comments on each post entry, however, I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to read them. I’d rather try and maintain the posts themselves then get lost in the comments. But then again, we’ll see what’s going to develop. Your comments will mean more if you will use your real name instead of some strange derivative; however, anonymous commenters also have their place.
It has been quite an experience in itself to see what other people think of this whole idea. Some people are willing to go out of their way to help out, while others think that we should just give up and drop the whole idea. It has been a very informative journey so far. Especially talking with people who have already been there, sometimes it sounds hopeless and other times it sounds uplifting so we’ll see. The support that a lot of you have given, took me by surprise quite often; it’s good to know that we are not alone and that there are people out there who will be thinking and praying for us.
Our group consists of Eddy Vetter, Judith Basel and Talitha from Crystal Spring and Paul Vetter and Clara Basel from Silver Winds. We are leaving on the 29th of March 06. First we are going to Austria for a few days, where we are going to do a few presentation on the Hutterites, after that we head straight to Africa. Thank you everybody; and thanks to the people who put in their time and effort to set up this site and are helping maintain it
If habe nun dem grunden gefunden
der meinen Anker ewig hält,
wo anders als in Jesu Wunden?
da lag er vor der Zeit der Welt.
Der Grund, der unbeweglich steht,
wenn Erd und Himmel untergeht.
Showing 7 comments
LifeonEarth2 said:
On: 31st Mar, 2006 at 10:01
So Journey onward, ever true
Look ever upon the one who handed this to you.
If trials are rained upon your face…
Hold on, have faith, and trust him for his grace.
So thank God for mountains, cause he can also make them disappear. First he wants to see his light shining bright.
From a heart that he created for that plan.
Find new strenght and courage for each new day…let the sweet times make you stronger as much as the trials.
Climb ever upward stay strong and true.
If in your heart a longing arises for the loved ones and friends at home.
When evening falls-look upward to the skies and look at the stars; for every star you see, know that a small prayer was sent to you from the ones back home.
In the early hours of the morning-
When the dew has misted the palm leaves all around you.
Marvel at the beauty and remember the one who created it…
(feel the warm touch Christ has stirred in your heart.)
…and think that the same presence is warming the hearts back home,
for every tiny moment you feel the warmth, know that your friends back home send a small prayer your way…so journey onward, ever true, hold to heart the one who created you. For when we once again will see your face- he’ll be the one our hearts and souls will give praise.
prayer sent to you by…lifeonearth2
Matt said:
On: 31st Mar, 2006 at 19:15
Hi everyone. Just so you know, the photo album is now availible. Check it out reguraly for some interesting coverage that will give more insight on the journal.
Charlie said:
On: 31st Mar, 2006 at 21:46
Hey Lance,…it’s wonderful to hear from you! To hear you’re all safe!
Till we meet again…may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
leanne + family said:
On: 1st Apr, 2006 at 00:08
hey, glad to see you made it to Austria!! and had a good flight(s). I printed/posted ur ‘blog’ in the kitchen, as everyone was interested in how the journey was progressing. sorry to tell you we will be having a funeral in the next few days….little Adam has become an angel. Take care
Lance said:
On: 1st Apr, 2006 at 14:05
Ich habe es in die andere gesagt. Sie haben gesagt, ‘jets hat er ein ende von siene schmerzen.’ So vie Er es will, Gott treste die familie
lori said:
On: 1st Apr, 2006 at 14:35
lance, wir sind dankbar ihr sind glücklich zu austria gekommen! es ist wunderbar zu lesen von ihrer fahrt…Gott sei mit euch!
leah said:
On: 3rd Apr, 2006 at 19:42
Hey, nice to hear all is well with you…Gods’ protection to you all….