In Harmony!
Written by: The Bridge on Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

On April 23, 2006, all baptized brothers and sisters of Palmgrove were able to take the Lord’s Supper in peace, with reverence and joy. The days leading up to it were a learning experience for me. I was able to see how people can once again amend their ways and strive to live together in unity and harmony. It was a very lovely picture!
We had a good three hour service, then towards the end all the baptized members were called to sit in front of the church. Paul Vetter held the service; I have included an audio clip of the ceremony. You’ve heard our Lord’s Supper sermon in German and some of you have heard it in English, now you also get a chance to hear it in Effec. In the clip you will hear Paul Vetter, then the translator. Ita is our translator, he must have had some good practice already, because at times he has to translate a few paragraphs at a time, all from memory. I don’t know how he does it! The choir sang while we were taking the bread and then the wine. It was special! The audio clip is poor quality, because I don’t have a very good recorder, also I have to really compress it in order to send it, otherwise the server times out when I try to send a file that’s even remotely close to 1 MB. The clip is also shortened and edited to get it smaller. After the service, quite a few of the young people told us how they long to be part of the next Lord’s supper. The sermon and the ceremony must have touched a lot of people. There are also quite a few outsiders attending the church services every Sunday, so maybe with that we can also light a small spark. Click here for clip (922KB, 3:56, Mpg)
The singing is a treat, they have practice quite a few times a week, with the Children’s Choir and also with the Young People’s Choir. Every Sunday, at church, the choir sit together at the front of the church in full choir uniform, that is pretty classy. First, the Children’s Choir sing two songs, then the Young People’s Choir also sing two songs. Here I have a short clip of one of the songs that I recorded when they were practicing, this is the older children’s choir. The file got too big for me to upload, so I took still pictures of the choir singing and inserted music over it. I hope the final result comes through ok, you’ll have to give me feedback on it. Click here for clip (1.26 MB, 1:48, WMV) One interesting thing that the children do at church, when it gets too long, is go to sleep. Not very unusual really, but the way that they do it is. They crawl underneath the benches, stretch out on the hard tile floor and seem to sleep very well. Actually, sleeping on the floor is a good idea in general, everybody seems to do it around here. The reason is that the floor is the coolest place to be. Believe me, I’ve tried it myself, not in church of course, but at home, when the nights just don’t cool off. Unfortunately, I’m too used to a soft bed to really get used to it, but it is nice and cool.
Showing 20 comments
Ian/Crystal said:
On: 10th May, 2006 at 19:01
Hi Lance
The audio clip (choir singing) came through very well. Sounds great! We are thankful to hear that things in Palmgrove have progressed so far that the brotherhood could partake of the Lord’s Supper in peace and unity! Keep up the good work for the Lord!
Nancysara said:
On: 10th May, 2006 at 21:17
the Choir is really nice, they have really great harmony, and it’s also realy great to hear that things are going well in Palmgrove, i really enjoy reading the entery, may you keep working for the Lord, take care, and wish you all God’s blessing
Derek/Glenway said:
On: 10th May, 2006 at 22:34
Hi Lance,
Thanks for keeping us up to date on goings on in Palmgrove. I’m enjoying every entry. The singing was great, nice and clear. May God be with you!
Ruth Parkinson said:
On: 11th May, 2006 at 02:40
The singing is lovely. I look forward to hearing Paul Vetter. I am glad that everyone was able to take communion together.
Brenda Waldner said:
On: 11th May, 2006 at 10:25
I really like reading what happens in Palmgrove. Your interies are really interesting. I think the chior can sing very nice. I love it.
Linda Maendel said:
On: 11th May, 2006 at 11:53
Just listened to the children’s choir, so sweet! Love to read the updates on what you’re accomplishing in Palmgrove. Stay strong and of good courage, you’re all in our prayers.
leanne/crystal said:
On: 11th May, 2006 at 13:49
hi lance, talitha!
nice to read that things are going well. you and talitha will have to serenade us in “effec” sometime!
keep up the good work on this site.
Ethan CSC said:
On: 11th May, 2006 at 17:07
Hey lance. Glad to hear things are looking up. The sound clip is really cool! Great sound. Also sound over pictures effect is nice!
~ hmmm… wonder what Jake Vetter would say if our kids crawled under the bench to go to sleep!?
o.d. winter said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 02:49
this website is very interesting and insightful. The pictures are gorgeous. I had thought that Palm Grove collapsed after the bruderhof pulled out but it is great to see that it is still going.
young person said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 03:18
I just came across this site this evening. It is awesome. Each article is so inspiring to me. I would love to help do mission work like you all are doing down in Nigeria.
‘in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight’ Proverbs 3:5
Karissa SHC said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 08:08
Hi Lance, Talitha,
WOW! I SO enjoyed the sound clip of the choir. You’ll have to record a CD or something to bring home….
Thanks for the updates. I look forward to reading about what you’re doing and how you’re progressing.
Gott mit euch!
Joni/Netley said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 08:12
Hey Talitha, Judy Basel, Eddie Vetter, Lance and everybody else!
Your site is a blessing to read. You’re making Palmgrove “Real”. God be with you!
a sister said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 09:21
Hi dear Paul Vetter and Clara Basel…..
Greetings from the Early Years students at Silverwinds school….
I hope God will help you…….Love Janelle
I’m hoping you are having a good time. Grandma, please say hi to my penpals. Love Giana
Paul Vetter and Clara Basel…if you want to……you may come home; I am missing you……Love Rhelynn
How are you doing?? I am doing fine. We have moved into out new house….. Love Ryan
Hello Ankela and Olvetter. I miss you! I would like to see you again. There are turtles in the swimming hole. I am having fun playing soccer with Ryan. We use a wagon for a net. Sometimes I take a shot at Ryan and score; then I have to go into the net. Are you having lots of fun?……..Love Jaden
I just thought I’d share some their thoughts with you. I was showing them the pics from this blog…..they especially liked those of the children sleeping under the benches. “Mio welln ach su”, was what some commented.
Thanks for keeping us updated!!! We realize it’s only a glimpse of your reality, but this enables us to better identify with it. We share with you both the joys and the sorrows; keeping you in our thoughts and most of all remembering you in our prayers. Keep on fighting for the truth!!!!
mit Liebe, Edna H.
Cynthia Wollmann said:
On: 12th May, 2006 at 12:52
Greetings to all in Palmgrove.
I was looking into this site for the first time, and is it ever interesting. It’s great to hear about the work in palmgrove. May the Lord give you strength, good health, and wisdom to do His good work.
Anonymous said:
On: 13th May, 2006 at 13:56
Sure is nice to hear that things are looking upalready..with lots of effort involved as we all reallize…So wishing God’s protection to all of you…Keep up the good work..He is always near..
Lorene/Silver said:
On: 13th May, 2006 at 20:48
It’s wonderful to hear that our brethren in Nigeria have once again found peace and unity in the Lord! They are an example and encouragement to all of us. It reminds me of one of Paul Vetter’s favorite songs, included below.
Keep on serving faithfully! You are all an inspiration and encouragement to us back home.
It’s a plus hearing that distinctive singing. Thanks for it all!!
Behold how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity to live
Sharing with one another, the good things of the Lord
It’s our reasonable service for the lord. (Psalm 133:1-3)
It’s that living waters
That makes me happy when my brother smiles
It’s that bread from heaven
That makes me want to share my life.
Through our many trials, we must understand
Division and contention are the adversary’s plan
But through the power of Jesus, on hind’s feet we can stand
On the high places with the Son of Man. (2 Samual 22: 33-34)
From the treasury of the world, it’s seldom heard today
How to live all things common, our old man put away
But I feel I must tell you, it’s not too much to afford
For the kingdom of heaven is our reward!
Victoria said:
On: 14th May, 2006 at 13:14
Hello to all in Palmgrove,
And a special “Happy Mother’s Day” to my dear Mother,Many Thanks for all your Love and all you have thought me through the years.
Also a very special “Happy Birthday”to my dear Dad,also Thanks for all your Love and all you have thought me,
Wishing you God’s richest Blessings as you continue to serve him. I Love You Mom and Dad.
with love Victoria,
Benita said:
On: 14th May, 2006 at 17:19
Grettings to our loved ones in Palm Grove.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Thanks for the shining
example you have been to us and for never giving up.Remember this song?
I dreamed mother walked up those heavenly stairs
And medals for mothers were given up there;
It mentioned the million thing mom did for me’
Things I took for granted and never could be.
If there’s medals for mothers
For all of the deeds they have done;
If there’s medals for mothers
Mama you’d win everyone.
A medal of honor was pinned on her there,
A medal for patience and kind loving care;
A medal for duty she won up above,
BUT THE BIGGEST OF ALL WAS THE ONE FOR HER LOVE. Surely Mom you’ll win them all.
” Happy birthday, Dad” We Love you!
Robert Benita & family
Lynda Waldner said:
On: 15th May, 2006 at 08:56
Hi Lance and all, we are glad you have come far enough that you may take The Lord’s supper in unity. I’m sure it is one you will never forget. The singing’s great, but….aren’t you ‘glustling’? You’ll have to record yourself speaking or attempting to speak “Effec”…wouldn’t mind a good laugh!!! Take care….
BW/BSC said:
On: 15th May, 2006 at 21:46
Hi to all in palmgrove.
Glad to hear that you are making progress with the Palmgrove community.Really nice choir singing,better than CS ,he,he JK.
You guys are doing a great job as we can tell by your entrie’s.Keep it up.Hard to imagine how hard it must be to reside in a third world country when one is used to better.Enjoying the site.
May God Be With you