Thank You!
Written by: The Bridge on Saturday, June 24th, 2006

A big thanks and a hi to all those who responded to our request for some miscellaneous Items and tools to be sent here to Palmgrove. It was a great comfort and joy to us to see and experience that there are some open hearted brothers and sisters who heard our plea, not meaning to ignore others who support in other ways. We’re truly making good use of the tools. We don’t have to spend hours to look for our makeshift tools to fix and repair. All other Items were just as welcome and will be well used. A coffee and an Eatmore bar! Wow! Such a treat! How about a soft ice cream for a change! I guess that will have to wait. There are more important things and issues around here to deal with. Outside friends and Palmgrove people are actually telling us already that Palmgrove looks nice now. Soon Palmgrove will be like it used to be. How’s that for encouragement. I’m not bragging but one can actually notice some improvements, spiritually and physically. If this direction could continue in the next couple of years, we could be a small light in this part of the world again. We keep using the Motto, “Nothing is without Effort”, no matter where you are. With the help of God we can move mountains, even though, through human eyes it looks impossible, and we hope to impress this on the minds of the people here.
Thank you, Edward
Showing 1 comment
eddie/cascade said:
On: 24th Jun, 2006 at 11:19
Greetings to you dear brothers, Edward and Paul Vetter. Lots of tool for you to injoy. Thanks to the dear brothers who sent them. We are still enjoying the pictures and stories you send to us by Internet. I taught I’d make it a two-way lane in sending pictures to you for African people to enjoy and learn from, so I’m sending some pictures of our soap making and other things. I’m sending them through your email address Edward. The soap is made from Pigskin and fat. I’m sure they will be wondering, how can people accumulate so mush pig fat especially when any moving creature here in Africa is eagerly devoured when caught, from reptile to man’s best friend {which by the way is a delicacie in Nigeria} The same would be our way of thinking, How could one get so much palm oil to make soap. Of course some of us already know. So, if you think this is a good idea you could give out your email address Ed vetter.